Patagonia Farm
About us
CASAN SA was established in 2013 by Cultivos Marinos San Cristobal together with Mike Schneider, who had already operated an abalone farming center since 2003 in the same place.
Our project was planned to cultivate 150 tons of live abalone per year, based on Korean production technology in floating systems built in HDPE, which gives it great flexibility and resistance, ideal to withstand the harsh conditions of the southern Pacific Ocean.
The area where our center is located was chosen for the great productive wealth of the surrounding sea, remoteness from important urban centers that guarantees us to be free of pollution and the presence of strong currents that guarantees a good renewal of the seawaters where we grow our abalones. In addition, this location has the presence of vast natural meadows of brown algae from where the necessary feed for production is obtained, the extraction of this resource is carried out by authorized artisanal fishermen and under strict controls of the fishing authority, which guarantee the sustainability of the removal.
Today Casan SA has direct and indirect collaborators, who work in the extraction of algae, all of whom are locals from nearby towns, thus allowing them to have fixed incomes that help them maintain their ancestral lifestyles, being able to conserve their lands and making them produce. which generates seasonal income and self-consumption products available all year round.
General system
Our abalone farm located in the town of Mapue, Tranqui Island, Chiloe archipelago, is developed in floating systems with Korean technology and that in the exceptional conditions of the Patagonian sea allow an adequate development of our abalones, assisted by our highly trained personnel in the extremes conditions of this remote and natural location.
Grow Out
In the southern zone of Chile, takes around 30 months, which is less time than in the Atacama farm, this because this stage starts with considerably larger abalones. The abalones are kept in farming sea cages where we follow up their traceability until the harvest.
Seaweed Farming
CASAN SA has several concession applications for brown algae, which take some years to be authorized and to be able to start with the farming of this resource in the area. In any case, preliminary studies show a promising feasibility for cultivating algae in this area.